Photo by Kyle Glenn on Unsplash

Scent of lies

André Ravazzi
1 min readDec 10, 2020

From emptiness she materialised

with her jade green, deep luscious eyes.

Seeking on my being

something I couldn’t find myself within.

She brings her scent, also her lies

as canny as a fox in a sheep yard.

Makes me a fool, makes me teased

makes me feel somehow loved, misled.

Turn loose, turn myself decayed

but keep singing to me, the song of the mermaid.

Stare at my soul, intercept my thoughts

push me away, touch me like a robot.

I give myself excuses to stay, "do not leave!"

But in the end, what I was left is always suffering and grieve.

Throw me to the hounding wolves, eat my soul

Leave me to the endless void, a dark hole.

Confuses me, despises me, lie to my very black eyes

but, please, let me feel your perfume one more time

and remember me your seductive scent of lies.



André Ravazzi

Product Engineer @ Builderbinder | Aerospace Engineer | Photography enthusiast |